Full details of Fees and Charges

Comprehensive Overview of Mandatory Non-Tuition Costs and Fees

Explore the complete details of mandatory non-tuition fees and charges to ensure a clear understanding of your financial obligations.

Annual Fee Structure

Capital College of the Arts, Management and Technology (CCAMT) reviews and sets its fees on an annual basis. These fees are due before the commencement of your chosen course.

Course Fees Aligned with Academic Calendar

Tuition fees at CCAMT are based on the trimesters or semesters, varying according to the duration of the course you select.

Stability of Initial Tuition Rate

The initial tuition rate specified in your student contract remains fixed for the entire academic year of your enrollment. However, please be aware that it may be subject to changes in subsequent years, in line with the prevailing GST rate and CCAMT’s rate. Any fee adjustments will be clearly documented in your subsequent student contracts.

Advance Payment Requirement for All Fees and Charges

CCAMT Singapore mandates that all tuition fees and associated charges must be paid in advance. Commencement or continuation of your course is contingent upon the settlement of all outstanding fees and charges.

Discover Current Tuition Fees

To ascertain the current tuition fee for your course, please consult the course information available at this link.

Understanding Tuition Fees

Tuition fees, presented in Singapore Dollars, are based on the course standard full-time or part-time study duration. It’s important to note that the indicative fee is intended as a reference and should be considered a guide rather than an absolute figure.

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or require further information regarding our fees and charges. We are dedicated to providing clarity and support to help you make informed decisions about your education at CCAMT.

Mandatory Non-Tuition Costs and Fees

Administrative (Non-refundable)

  • Administrative and Compliances fees: SGD$700 per semester
  • Course Assessment and Resources Fees: SGD$800 per semester
  • Medical Insurance Fee: $150-300 *
  • Fee Protection Scheme-Group (FPSG )insurance: 1% of total course fees +
  • Fee Protection Scheme-Group insurance administration fees: 0.5% of total course fees 
  • Registration: SGD$350 
Non Tuition FeesFoundation/Diploma/Advanced Diploma/BA/MAEnglish Language
Administrative and Compliances feesSGD$700 per trimesterSGD$400 per level
Course Assessment and Resources FeesSGD$800 per trimesterSGD$500 per level

All above fees are subjected to 9% GST

Miscellaneous Fees


  • Re-Assessment Fees $100
  • Re-printing Transcript $50
  • Re-printing Certificates $150


  1. Late course fee payment charge 
    • With 7 days of payment due date
    • Subsequent week thereafter $100 per week
  2. Telegraphic bank transfer fee $35 per refund


Printing/Photocopying Fees

1. Black & White document photocopy$0.10 per page
2. Colour document photocopy$1.00 per page

Student Administration

1. ICA processing fee (per application)$45.00
2. Student’s Pass issuance fee$90.00 as stated in the In-Principle Approval letter from ICA

All above fees are inclusive of 9% GST.

All fees listed are indicative and subject to annual increases.

* Medical insurance will cover students warded in a hospital or requiring surgical procedures. The policy will reimburse on hospital charges and only covers treatments in Singapore Government or Singapore Government Restructured Hospitals. Local students may opt out of the medical insurance if they can provide proof of adequate medical insurance coverage.
+ The Fee Protection Scheme-Group (FPS-G) insurance protects studentspaid fees in accordance with a master insurance policy and Student Contract.

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