Student Attendance

All students

Students are required to maintain a minimum 75% attendance for each enrolled course. Students who fail to obtain the minimum attendance requirement will not be eligible to sit for the final examination or receive grades for the final assessment, regardless of previous work submitted.

International students

In addition to the requirements above, international students must achieve a minimum monthly attendance requirement of above 90%. Capital College of the Arts, Management and Technology shall inform the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA) when an international student’s attendance is 90% or below, or has failed to attend classes for a continuous period of 7 days or more. This may lead to cancellation of the Student’s Pass.

An international student holding a Singapore Student’s Pass is required to be on campus for a minimum of 3 hours per day from Monday to Friday (except on public holidays or during non-teaching weeks, including study review and exam weeks).

Absence Justification

When a student is absent from class or unable to fulfill the required hours due to valid reasons such as medical or compassionate reasons, he/she is required to submit an Absence Justification online via SMS portal at this link, with the relevant appropriate supporting documents. Absence Justifications are subject to approval from The Office of Student Affairs.

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