Certificate in English Language


Our English Language programmes at the Faculty of Education offer students the opportunity to develop and strengthen their language competencies at different levels.

Our English Language level 1 programme is designed for students who need to develop foundation-level English and build a basic repertoire of words and simple phrases to communicate in everyday situations. The programme focuses on developing competencies in the ability to engage, understand, and process level-appropriate written and spoken text to construct meaning. Students may need direct, explicit teaching of grammar and other language skills to raise language competence.

Our English Language level 2 programme aims to strengthen competencies in the ability to engage, understand, process, and produce intermediate-level written and spoken text to construct meaning. The course is focused on raising student competency in the four language skills, enabling students to use language in both social and academic settings. The second level is designed to enable students to master intermediate language skills.

Our English Language level 3 programme aims to build upon language competencies acquired previously and strengthen competencies in the ability to engage and produce language suitable for the rigor of tertiary education. The programme aims for students to write narratives or informational topics with facts and details, use common transitional words and phrases to connect events, ideas, and opinions, and provide a conclusion. Students will also confidently participate in conversations, discussions, and written exchanges about familiar topics, texts, and issues. Additionally, they will adapt language choices and style according to purpose, task, and audience with ease in various social and academic contexts.

Level Award

  • Certificate Level 1
  • Certificate Level 2
  • Certificate Level 3

Career Pathways

Upon successful completion of the Certificate in English Language, students will be eligible to apply for the appropriate level course.

Minimum Entry Requirements

  • Minimum age: 16 years old
  • Minimum of two ‘N’ Level subject passes or Higher
    Nitec or their equivalent; AND
  • Minimum academic qualification, or its equivalent;
  • Other qualifications which will be considered on a case-bycase basis.

View Full Academic Entry Requirements

Minimum Language proficiency requirements

Language Proficiency Requirements

Course Structure

  • Writing 
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Speaking

Teacher-Student Ratio 

  • Tutorial 1:25
  • Lectural 1:80

Graduation Requirements: 


3 months per level
180 contact hours per level
Academic Calendar


Total Tuition Fees: SGD$3,100 (subjected to 9% GST)
excluding non-tuition fees and miscellaneous fees

View Course Fees Breakdown
View our fees and charges page for full details


ENG | 中文